Monday, April 27, 2020

Dayton: The Return (April 27, 2020)

 For the second ride in a row, went to Dayton on the motorcycle. Wonderful Monday to ride and went to the Aviation Museum in the Wright-Dunbar neighborhood of Dayton. Not open (and I knew that) due to the virus, basically went for the ride and frankly to get the photo at left. Big fan of aviation and the Wright Brothers. For that reason, there is no better place to be than Dayton. I have a photo of the museum below in the next three photos, which include information about the bicycle shop. All of the first four photos are part of the same complex.
The last photo though is Day Air Ballpark, which is home of the Dayton Dragons. The Dragons are a single A farm team of the Cincinnati Reds. Usually a very popular place during baseball season though again...not this year yet.
Still, a nice ride again around the very interesting and historic city, and a good way to social distance. I rode alone and stopped no where except to look. These are strange days but a unique opportunity to enjoy the ride and to explore. Thank you for visiting my page.       

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dayton, Ohio (April 25, 2020)

 Bit of a weather surprise on Saturday, and a nicer day than Friday was. Took the Triumph out to Dayton and visited some sights. Went via new routes both there and back, and I like those a lot. Sure beats the bumpy road which is OH 4. Here at left is the Dayton Art Museum. I have been in there, a nice place and went to the Greek Festival last year there. Below is a monument on Monument Ave (Civil War Union Monument) while got the photo of the Wright Flyer Monument at the Riverside park in Dayton. It was a very good ride, and have a few more photos on my Racing with the Wind blog page. Fun place to visit, and I will be back again!       

Friday, April 24, 2020

Tipp City, Ohio (April 23, 2020)

Nice day out, with a break from the rain of the last few days (which if the forecast is true this will be a wet weekend). Rode out to Tipp City on the Triumph. Tipp City is one of my favorite area cities. There are a lot of historic things to see there, a really fine BBQ restaurant (Hickory River Smokehouse), a damn fine Honda dealer to work on my car (Voss Honda) and its a great ride to get there. I rode up Highway 571 which is very scenic with a number of farms and fields.
Got out and put another 50 miles on the motorcycle. As for Tipp City will be back there again and looking forward to my next visit.     

Monday, April 20, 2020

Spring Returns (April 20, 2020)

 Back again has come Spring, after a week of very rainy weather, even some snow. Thankfully the snow did not last even an hour, but it fell and fell with gusto for a short time. Along with that was a few days of frost and freezing weather. I still though kept watching the forecast and finally have been rewarded with the return of Spring weather. Got up and took the Sunride photo at left and the flower photo at our house below before getting out on the motorcycle. Photos from the ride can be found on my "Racing with the Wind" blog page.   

Sunday, April 12, 2020

St Paris, on Easter Sunday (April 12, 2020)

 I went on a motorcycle ride this fine Easter Sunday, and while I have a few photos on my "Racing with the Wind" blog page, thought I would add these two. Took these during my stop in St. Paris, Ohio. Usually this is a larger ride but for today just wanted to get out for a bit. Actually at 53 miles turned out to be the (so far) biggest ride of 2020. It has been a wonderful and beautiful Easter Sunday spent with my wonderful wife Debbie.
I hope for all of you, wherever you are and whatever you believe, that you have had a good day today.

Happy Easter (April 12, 2020)

Actually the photo at left was a few days ago, and the one at the bottom (bunny on the mailbox) was also. The duck and the squirrel below were on Easter, as I went out looking for (but did not find) the Easter Bunny. It IS Easter Sunday as I write this, which is to me a time of great promise and hope. During this dark period of world history, it is the hope of a risen Christ that gives me strength to deal with the trials and tribulations of this period. I hope that whatever you believe that you are doing well with the virus and that you are finding peace and joy this season!   

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Springtime Sights (April 9, 2020)

Just a beautiful time of year, and while I do get out from time to time in the motorcycle and the car for items to pick up or just to explore during the days of the virus here in Ohio,  I do also get some fine walks in. Love to see the morning as in the photo at left as well as other sights of spring. The Air Force is still flying C-17's in training flights here, and enjoy seeing them as my house is in the flight path of the nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. These are certainly remarkable days but also a good time to pause and reflect on the wonder of life. 
On a recent motorcycle ride visited Springfield, Ohio. Some of my rides can be found on my "Racing With the Wind" Blog page. Just got the motorcycle out from it's winter nap a few short days ago, and have been on a handful of rides. All solo, keeping that "Social Distancing"in mind. Photos below are: geese in flight, C-17 from my yard, sunset, duck in flight, two friends on their motorcycle, and a low pass by a duck. I also have enjoying seeing the trees and flowers blooming. Spring is one of my favorite times of year and enjoying it with my wonderful wife Debbie as we explore the wonders of Ohio together.         

Barber Motorsports Museum, Birmingham, Alabama (April 26, 2024)

If you are into motorcycles and some amazing cars, this is your museum. Literally the largest motorcycle museum in the world with over 1100 ...