Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter (April 12, 2020)

Actually the photo at left was a few days ago, and the one at the bottom (bunny on the mailbox) was also. The duck and the squirrel below were on Easter, as I went out looking for (but did not find) the Easter Bunny. It IS Easter Sunday as I write this, which is to me a time of great promise and hope. During this dark period of world history, it is the hope of a risen Christ that gives me strength to deal with the trials and tribulations of this period. I hope that whatever you believe that you are doing well with the virus and that you are finding peace and joy this season!   

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Springtime Sights (April 9, 2020)

Just a beautiful time of year, and while I do get out from time to time in the motorcycle and the car for items to pick up or just to explore during the days of the virus here in Ohio,  I do also get some fine walks in. Love to see the morning as in the photo at left as well as other sights of spring. The Air Force is still flying C-17's in training flights here, and enjoy seeing them as my house is in the flight path of the nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. These are certainly remarkable days but also a good time to pause and reflect on the wonder of life. 
On a recent motorcycle ride visited Springfield, Ohio. Some of my rides can be found on my "Racing With the Wind" Blog page. Just got the motorcycle out from it's winter nap a few short days ago, and have been on a handful of rides. All solo, keeping that "Social Distancing"in mind. Photos below are: geese in flight, C-17 from my yard, sunset, duck in flight, two friends on their motorcycle, and a low pass by a duck. I also have enjoying seeing the trees and flowers blooming. Spring is one of my favorite times of year and enjoying it with my wonderful wife Debbie as we explore the wonders of Ohio together.         

Friday, April 3, 2020

Damn Fine Day (April 3, 2020)

Pretty good day indeed here as life under restriction continues. Got up this morning and saw the sun rise and a beautiful day it was. Love mornings here in Central Ohio and this was a beautiful day indeed.
After greeting the dawn, got back to bed for a few hours. Got up and headed out for day two of some motorcycle riding. Had a great time yesterday and sure seemed to be a good idea today. It was cold when I took the photo at left, but by noon the temperature had risen into the low 60's and off I went. 

 Rode out to Huffman Prairie Flying Field. This was the location where the Wright Brothers perfected their aircraft. This is a replica of the hangar and the catapult they built. Without the winds of Kitty Hawk they needed the catapult to launch the Flyer. What they ended up creating which was called the Wright Flyer III is considered the first practical aircraft (the Wright Flyer was almost uncontrollable) is on display in Dayton.

This is the field they flew from, Huffman Prairie which a local farmer allowed them to fly on. My motorcycle can be seen on the road off to the left, and there are a number of signs about the history of what they did all around the area. It is a very interesting place to explore.
Later in the day my wife and I went back toward that area, this time visiting the Wright Brothers Memorial. I believe Orville was at the unveiling as Wilbur had died of Typhoid prior to the event.  We also had explored some other places just to get out for a bit in the car. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Into the Wind (April 2, 2020)

Been a long time since the last time I have done this. It was November 10, 2019 when I took the last ride on my 2016 Triumph Speedmaster motorcycle. Finally though it looks like winter and the sub freezing temperatures are (or mostly are) over. It rose into the mid-60s this afternoon when I got the bike out. Took a short while to put the battery in and check the motorcycle out. Added a little air to the tires and a little chain lube to the chain.
Nice to head out and got to see some sights. Rode some 39 miles in a bit over an hour. Visited a park I had never seen below (which is below). Below that a visit to George Rogers Clark Park. After a short stop in New Carlisle visited the airport in New Carlisle before heading home. These are dark days with the Coronavirus, but still enjoyed this and it put a huge smile on my face and a song in my heart. Prayers for the world and all the people who are dealing with this dread disease. For an hour though, I sure felt wonderful and the fear was blown away.     

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Strange Days (March 29, 2020)

Been off here for a while as Winter has been winding down.As winters go, this one was pretty moderate. We had a few short additional bouts of snow but not a great deal. It was certainly nothing like the amount we had last year.
Spring is now here and it is certainly looking and feeling like it here in Central Ohio. I like to get out at dawn and get some morning photos. It has been beautiful here and enjoy the quiet at dawn. Have been trying to get a photo of a pair of local Blue Herons but have not had much luck to this point. See them flying, but can't get a good picture.
Of course for the past couple of weeks have been dealing with the advent of the Coronavirus in the USA. Found out last night that the disease has come to nearby New Carlisle but to be honest it has probably been here for some time.Testing for the virus is just now ramping up here. Ohio has been under a stay at home order. That means in this state that restaurants have to be drive though or carry out, many many places and businesses have been closed, and people are asked to stay home except for vital needs such as food. You can get outside for exercise. Have enjoyed taking walks with my wife Debbie.
Worry about this bug, but have been doing our best to keep indoors. Luckily we have a great time together and there are a lot of things to do here in the house. In addition to enjoying each other we watch movies and shows on tv. I have been enjoying Google Earth Flight Simulator and exploring the world via the computer. Occasionally we get in some walks as noted. I also am lucky in that I have the recumbant bicycle and my weight bench with a good weight set downstairs in the basement. Have been working out at home for years and enjoy that a great deal. I am hoping that this disease is not as bad as is being talked about in numbers and this social distancing makes a real distance. We are hoping that the things we are doing keeps us safe and our community safe. We are keeping the world in our prayers.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Looking Back at Winter March 10, 2020)

 Its been a very interesting winter, my second in Ohio. Been amazing mostly for as it winds down it has been amazingly moderate. Very little snow and cold has been really moderate as well. The local weather stations have reported that this is the Fourth warmest Winter on record. There have been many days here like above.

 That is not to say there has not been snow, and certainly makes for some beautiful sights. Still, these have been few and far between, especially compared to last year. Course in winter you can never count it out, so we have been staying close to home especially since last December.

 Which is not to say we have not been on some road trips. We made three trips to Rising Sun, Indiana which is a favorite of my wife and in fact of myself. Interesting little town and a fun place to explore which is not far up the road.

 We also did some other trips. Explored Indian Lake, Ohio and some areas below that, as well as found a new aviation museum. I love aviation, and find more and more this is an interesting an exciting place to explore.

One place I have explored "a few" times is the National Museum of the United States Air Force. I have a number of older posts from there, and certainly enjoyed this a few times. Great on rainy and cold days and always fun to explore the heated five aircraft hangars with over 130 aircraft and thousands of other items. Not sure you can ever see it all. Not to mention hours spent exploring the lakes near my house. Been a very interesting Winter, but looking forward to the adventures of Spring coming soon.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Carolina Christmas Lights (December 11-17, 2019)

On December 11-17 flew to Charlotte, NC to see some of the Christmas light displays at Charlotte Motor Speedway. We also visited some of Debbie's family in Charleston, SC and also saw the Festival of Lights display there. It was a great time and was fun to see those sights plus to visit family and friends. I lived in Concord, NC for some 14 years and have some fine memories from there. I have photos from the light displays below. The first three below are from the Charlotte Motor Speedway, the rest are some from Festival of Lights (the very last being from a very fine restaurant in Charleston, SC.

Brit Floyd (May 17, 2024)

Went with friends last night to the Brit Floyd concert at The Rose in Huber Heights. Was a wonderful concert, the band was fantastic. Sure, ...