Monday, July 5, 2021

Dayton Highlights (Wright-Dunbar Center) July 4, Part 2 (July5, 2021)


First time visit to the very interesting (and free I might add) look at the work of the Wright brothers  (aviation, bicycles and printing), plus the life of their friend and noted author/poet Paul Lawrence Dunbar. As an added bonus the museum also has the Parachute Museum. I have photos from all three sights there. The glider is a replica but the items of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the printing equipment (which is mostly Wright owned and used) and the items from the Parachute Museum are all authentic. 

The Wrights did some printing in the museum very building, and their 4th bicycle shop is right next to this building. That will be for another time, that time being...tomorrow. Thank you for visiting.    

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Dayton Highlights (Oregon District) - July 4 visit, Part 1(July 4, 2021)

Very interesting Sunday, wandered around Dayton, Ohio on this Independence Day Sunday. First stop was the Oregon District which is the entertainment center of Dayton (one of them anyhow). Quiet on a Sunday but opens later in the day. It is famous as the place where  people got got killed by the nutbag shooter last year. Lots of old interesting buildings and some great places to eat and drink. Told some really good bands play there. 

Enjoyed wandering around the town, and there is a lot of things to see and do. So many that I will be posting some more photos of the city here over the next few days. I hope you enjoy the look and thank you for visiting my page.      


Friday, July 2, 2021

Airport Cafe, Urbana, Ohio (July 2, 2021)

Took a motorcycle ride this fine day to Urbana, Ohio. Nice after days of rain and heat. It was a very comfortable 70 degrees and fantastic riding. Covered some 65 miles this morning out in the breeze. 

Made a stop to get the photo at left, and then got the photos below at the Airport Cafe. Very nice "brunch" with good food, excellent coffee and friendly people. Enjoyed watching the airplanes take off and land, frequent visitors to this site know I am a big fan of aviation. 

While it was not yet open, there is also an aviation museum at the airport which is restoring a Boeing B-17 World War 2 bomber. I have not visited the museum, but it on my list of future events. I will be back there in the future and next time will bring my wife. The restaurant rates a return visit. 

I have some more photos posted on my "Racing with the Wind" motorcycle blog page. Thank you for visiting my site(s) and hope you have a very good day!   


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Return to Rising Sun Indiana (June 21-24, 2021)

Great time and fantastic weather in Rising Sun during our four day visit. Took the photo at left during a morning walk, its a beautiful area to explore and enjoy seeing all the sights there. My wife and I are frequent visitors. 

We were joined on this trip by Fred and Chris. Took them around town where we saw the speed boat (that is Chris in the foreground, Fred behind her) and the famous two headed cow (cow lived for 15 minutes according to the sign there) with Fred beside it as the local history museum. We enjoyed some good meals together and some quality time in the casino and the pool located there. 

As always, beautiful sights on the river. Fun to see the barges rolling up and down the river, and nice to enjoy the town. Took them to Rockies for dinners (great BBQ)  and the Main Street Diner for lunch. 

Weather was in the 70's and humidity was real low. Could not have asked for better times with better people.    


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Wheeling, WVA (June 17-18, 2021)

Made an overnight stop in Wheeling, WVA. At the time we were there, some serious road construction going on in that area. Can be difficult to get around. 

We stayed at the Wheeling Island Casino. It is currently due to the pandemic only open for a few days, but we really enjoyed our room. I have photos of it in the last two pictures below. I also made a trip to the arena where the Wheeling hockey team plays in a quick trip downtown.     

This photo and the three directly below are of the Wheeling Island Bridge. It was built in the mid 1800's and at the time was the largest suspension bridge in the world. It is really amazing to check out and even better because due to vehicle damage it is closed to vehicle traffic. 

I got a photo from the deck of the bridge, one of the Ohio River and one of the bridge from outside. It is really a remarkable thing to see and enjoyed it, and the stay at Wheeling Island Casino. As previously mentioned in the prior blog, a visit to Coleman's Fish Market is always worthwhile.     


New Cumberland, WVA and beyond (June 15-16, 2021)

My wife and I went on a road trip, and these are the first parts. We were headed to New Cumberland, West Virginia. We made a stop along the way at the home in New Concord, Ohio of John and Annie Glenn. 

John Glenn was a Mercury astronaut and the first American to orbit the Earth in Friendship 7. Later he was a Senator from Ohio and even later he got back into space aboard a space shuttle. He was an amazing man and had an amazing life. 

Here is my wife as we enjoyed lunch at Coleman's Fish Market. Some of the most amazing fish sandwiches I have ever had, and very fine people serving them. We always stop there along the way. In fact we spent some time in Wheeling, but that will be in the next blog post.

We stayed at Mountaineer Casino in New Cumberland, WVA. Nice area. Enjoyed watching the horses run at the racetrack there. There also are casino games. Nice hotel and really enjoyed the stay. We ate at Connie's Corner in Chester, WVA and had a really good breakfast. It was so good we came back for dinner. While in Chester we got a photo of the World's Largest Tea Pot, and also visited the local VFW where we really love the military displays outside. That B-52 model is remarkable and its huge (not as huge as the actually plane, but impressive none the less).

We were blessed with wonderful weather and a great time. Had not been there for some four years, but looking forward to the next visit and hopefully it will be sooner.        


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Tuesday in June (June 9, 2021)

No particular reason for these specifically, though did find them interesting photos all in the space of a day. Took these the evening of June 8 and the morning of June 9. The sunset was very pretty and I enjoyed the color. The C-17 doing flight ops from the nearby Air Force Base made a number of passes over our house. I love aviation and enjoy seeing and hearing these aircraft. It is like a dream come true for me to have these sights in my backyard (and a great aviation museum just a few minutes away.

As for the bunny, it was in my backyard and watched him for quite a while just after I got up. I really enjoy them, they are gentle creatures. 

Brit Floyd (May 17, 2024)

Went with friends last night to the Brit Floyd concert at The Rose in Huber Heights. Was a wonderful concert, the band was fantastic. Sure, ...