Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek and RVA Blogs

Joined with a few million people today, and checked out the new Star Trek movie. I am a movie fan, and in times like these its a nice getaway for a while to visit a universe where the problems are so big that they make the ones here pale in comparison (which of late is no small feat). Watched the shows for years, and have groaned through some real Star Trek stinkers (Insurrection, Generations, and Nemesis) and some I really enjoyed such as First Contact, Wrath of Khan, and The Voyage Home. Was pleased to find today that the new movie is very good, and enjoyed the direction that the director is taking the old show. He made some interesting changes which added I think to the direction of what I am pretty sure will be a continuing series of movies. It moved along really well; clocked in at 2 hours and six minutes but did not seem at all that long. It also passed my big movie test, "Will you see this movie again", and I would have to answer, "Oh yeah!". Watched it at "Regal Winchester Commons 16"; nice theater down on Midlothian Turnpike. Pretty new and in fact the whole Winchester Commons is mostly still empty with many stores coming but not yet open.
Enjoyed reading some of the Star Trek posts on RVA blogs. Haven't (yet) seen a negative post, thouogh sure to be some eventually, but so far everyone seemed to like it locally that has seen it. I like getting that local viewpoint. When I was in Charlotte, moving to Richmond with the job transfer, came across RVA blogs. I like getting the point of view on a city from people who live there rather then people paid to present it. The blogs have certainly been informative, and I read them often. Many of them have been a big help in finding things in Richmond to check out from the local point of view. "All Things Richmond" covers some items of interest locally, and I like to look at that blog. "Bacons Rebellion" has been interesting and I have also been following of late "Setting Myself on Fire" which is one man's quest to get back to the world of work. I also follow "Jack Goes Forth" with some interest. Thanks to my work schedule "nightlife" is pretty well impossible (as I am pretty much working the same hours Jack does) but did (and on the rare occasion still do) enjoy a good night out, and enjoy his posts. Those are just a few of the many blogs that I read on the site. It is actually quite a long list those being just a few examples.
Did want to mention though that the blogs I have read gave me a good, and frankly positive impression of the city, and for that I am grateful. To be honest, there is not a lot of buzz about Richmond, VA...when I found I would be coming here what I knew about it was very little. So the internet was a great resource as were the blogs here.
Tomorrow going to be heading downtown for a while, supposed to be a break from the rains of late, and still doing a lot of looking around. Richmond has a lot of things to see, and I intend to see it!

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