Saturday, September 24, 2022

Keith Urban Concert in Columbus, Ohio (September 23, 2022)

Debbie and me headed out on a beautiful Friday to Columbus, Ohio where we headed to see the Keith Urban concert. When we left Virginia as a newly married couple after the house sale, we saw Keith in Charlottesville, Virginia. That was a remarkable show. So remarkable that when we saw he was coming to Ohio we made the drive (a few years later now) to see him once again. 

As before a remarkable show, which we both greatly enjoyed. The man and his band were on fire, and it was two hours that seemed to pass much faster than that. If you ever get to see him, don't miss the opportunity    


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Last Day of Summer 2022 (September 21, 2022)

Just a quick post, on what is the last day of Summer. Took a motorcycle ride this morning  which can be seen on my "Racing with the Wind" page. 

Took these two photos on a walk this morning. Bunny was in my yard, and the flying geese with friends in the water around them in the photo below. Will feel like Summer today with temperatures in the 90's but the first day of Fall will feel like it with highs in the 60's. That is pretty wild, and looking forward to Fall. Like the cooler temperatures and the events that are coming up in the next few weeks. As always, thank you for visiting my pages!


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Views from Niagara Falls, NY (September 14-16, 2022)

One of our favorite places to visit, Niagara Falls is just magnificent and magical. In fact there are not enough adjectives to really describe it. A few photos here and there from around the area. Had a wonderful time and in fact in this and previous visits has never been anything else.

Did not visit during the height of the tourist season and that makes for an even better experience. We had a great visit and wonderful time. 


Cleveland Waterfront and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (September 13, 2022)

Very cool trip to Cleveland, part of a bigger journey. First stop was the house from the movie (and a favorite movie of mine) "A Christmas Story". Leg lamp is below. Went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, but visited some sights around Lake Erie as well. Final five photos were taken in the museum. 

Very interesting area to see. We have been through the city but never have stopped. Had a great time there, and very happy to have made the visit.  


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Random Shots September 3, 2022)

Yesterday we went to Deeds Park to see the Fountains one more time. They will be turned off for the season on Monday. One of our favorite places to visit in the city. Below is the bridge to the city at the park, and a statue of the Wright Brothers can be seen in photo 4. 

Photo three was taken this morning at the lakes near my house, bottom photo was a few days ago also near my house. Enjoying September 2022 so far! 


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Cincinnati and the Hard Rock Casino (August 25, 2022)

Nice exploring Cincinnati, Ohio while visiting the Hard Rock Casino there. A lot of interesting historic items, as well as some really good food actually. Many casinos the food is so-so, but here it is really good. 

Wandered around town for a while, always fun to explore Cincinnati by foot as there is much to see. Many old building and even a monument to a former (and Ohio born) President (of which there has been a few). 

As to the items in the museum, these are just a few. Clothes, cars and of course guitars. Lots of interesting history. In the upcoming weeks, will be exploring a lot of rock and roll history due to a trip planned in the near future. 

As always, thank you for visiting my page and hope you return in the near future!   


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Miami County Fair (August 16, 2022)

Yes, that is a real Rabbit! In fact according to the owner holding it...16 pounds of Bunny! Wife and I went to the Miami County Fair which is held in Troy, Ohio. Enjoy going to this fair, and we have been a number of times since I have been living in Ohio. Fun seeing the animals, the farm equipment, seeing the rides (did not ride any, they opened later) and enjoying the fantastic (if not so healthy but what the hell) food to be found there. It is a favorite place to visit this time of year, and a wonderful event. One of the best walks I have taken this year!    


Barber Motorsports Museum, Birmingham, Alabama (April 26, 2024)

If you are into motorcycles and some amazing cars, this is your museum. Literally the largest motorcycle museum in the world with over 1100 ...