Made my second trip to Richmond, VA on December 13+14. The company put together a bus trip with a tour of the factory. This factory is older than where we currently work, was a bit more crowded, and has a mix of older equipment with new machinery. They are planning to combine production at the older plant; but it looked real nice, and certainly will be interesting working there. We were (some 140 of us) all greeted by employees holding signs, and they did a good job of answering questions and making us feel welcome. Got a nice tour of the plant.
They also put us up at the Embassy Suites on Broad Street, which is a nice hotel, and had a reception for us. We went back on the busses at 8pm for "The Tacky Lights Tour" which is a Richmond tradition and has sights such as the photo you see here. Really enjoyed that a great deal, and found the lights tour to be a great deal of fun. It also was neat to get another look at some of the neighborhoods in Richmond, which was a side benefit to the lights.
Following breakfast at the hotel, we rolled out around 9am. As I found before, it was a relaxed sort of trip via bus, and Sunday morning traffic was not bad as we rolled down I-95. Like a great puzzle, got a few more pieces to put together, as the move to Richmond in February gets closer. Enjoyed the second visit to the city though, and will have a few weeks before I return again; next time to be there with the items I will need to live there in early February.
To all of you, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.